Relationship & Parenting Mentor

UCC Accredited and Member of IARM. IUI Certified Life Coach

Sometimes I feel so trapped I cannot see a way out. Its the same issues causing the same problems in my relationships over and over again with no solution. I feel worn out, stressed, exhausted, anxious and overwhelmed.

Which one of you changed – you didn’t!

Did things change because you had children?
Was it because you moved up the corporate ladder and others didn’t?
Was it because you gave up work to stay at home?
Was it because you changed career and now have a job with a lot more responsibility?
Was it because you have been together a long time and have just got bored with each other?
Was it because you fully expected to have children but after years of unsuccessful fertility treatment you know its going to be just to two of you for the rest of your lives?
Was it because your children are now young adults and have left home and it just to two of you now?
Or maybe it was ALL of those things!!

Confusing isn’t it!!

To book an appointment, please call 087 1126201 or email

Now for ‘The Official Bio’

Joan O Connell – The Straight Talking Coach for Great Relationships Gone Wrong

You could say I am a bit of a relationship nerd and have always been curious to understand why some relationships work and others don’t. I have been through most of the above situations with my partner and had to do a lot of fire-fighting to keep our relationship on track. It took awhile but once I understood what I needed to do to make my relationship work then everything got easier.

I hated those times when I felt insecure and unloved in the most important relationship in my life. Especially because I knew it could be so different if I could just figure out how to change it back to the way it was.

I constantly fell into the trap of blaming my partner for everything that went wrong. It was always his fault, if he would just DO what I wanted him to do the WAY I wanted it done everything would be perfect! Reality check……..that will never happen!

So rather than wishing everything in my relationship was on my terms and my way and deluding myself that this would ever happen, I drew from all the relationship experience I had gained over the years, coming from a large family, school, playing sports, college and over 25 years working with teams, senior management and clients nurturing, growing and often rescuing relationships that went wrong.

By combining my relationship experience with my coaching skills with my passion for making our relationship work I learned how to turn my great relationship gone wrong back into My Great Relationship.

I know how to turn relationships around and get great relationships that have gone wrong back on track and keep them great I want to share what I know with all the amazing women out there who want the same thing.

I understand how relationships work and know that the root cause of the relationship issues are often much deeper that the visible symptom’s may display.

Most relationships will hit a rocky patch at some stage and when this happens you have to dig deep and know what to do or else you are at risk of damaging or terminating the relationship for good.

I work with women who are not prepared to let that happen

….who will work hard to get the relationship they treasure and value back on track

….who will only “settle” for a great relationship not an “it will do” relationship

….who want to regain their confidence and belief in themselves and their relationship

….who want to regain the fun, love and enjoyment in their relationship

….who want to get back to having sex with their partner

….who want to feel happy confident in control and excited about life

So if you are a woman on a mission and want to take back control and sort out your relationship

  • And you know it is worth your time and energy
  • And you really want to stop feeling trapped and struggling to keep the relationship alive
  • And the overwhelm and stress and resentment and anger just keep bubbling to the surface
  • And you just need to know that your feelings, opinions and needs are equally important and can be met
  • And are you READY to finally figure out how you can FIX WHAT’s BROKEN, then lets talk about how I can help.


Download my FREE Ebook,

"5 Steps To Loving Your Relationship

& Yourself In It"

..and improve your relationship now!

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